How I came to find Allard braces.
One day I got a call from Jeff Smith. He is the Southwest District Manager for Allard USA. He said he got the number from the CMTA (Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association). No, They don't share people's private information. You see, my number and email is readily available for anyone. Because I help co-facilitate a support group for the CMTA in Las Vegas, NV.
Let me go back a little. I have CMT and two out of three of my kids have CMT. Because of the progression of CMT. Most people develop a condition called Foot drop. Which is something that makes it hard to walk normal and of course even run. We tend to pick up our legs at the knee as to avoid tripping on our feet. Because of my foot drop, my neurologist had suggested leg braces and I was fitted for the plastic braces. The plastic braces made it even harder for ME to walk. So after a month, those plastic braces ended up in the closet. I figured, I walked better with out them and ended using ACE wraps for my ankles. But I would easily tired out after a few minutes of walking. But it was better than the discomfort and pain I got from the plastic AFOs (Ankle foot orthotics).
Then a year and some months later came the call. I met with Jeff Smith and I tried the Allard Toe offs in a coffee shop not to far from my house. And I could not stop smiling. I got my prescription for my new braces and there I was two months later walking/running my 1st 5k. Ohhhh, what a feeling!!!!
I encourage anyone suffering from Foot Drop to look into this braces it will change your life as it has change my life. WWW.ALLARDUSA.COM
Here is a video. To the untrained eye, my gait might look normal but take it to an Orthotists and they can point all the difference. Plus I don't get tire of walking, jogging that easily. Enjoy.