Monday, February 18, 2013

My 1st 5k

So This is me. I finally decided to let you see me. But it's not all about how I look but to celebrate that I walked... Yes, walked my first 5k. let me tell you that it was such an amazing experience! I think my high was the moment I walked the finish line. I feel accomplished!
I'm still in awe about it. And very proud of myself.

I couldn't have done it without the support of my friends and the support from my Allards braces.
Yes, I wear braces. I have foot drop and using my braces when I am active is very helpful. I don't feel fatigue and I actually walk faster, longer and not in pain. No sores on my feet because of the structure of the braces.

You can check them out too. Go to

I know that I will be doing more events. Actually, I have signed up for a few this year and I am looking forward to "getting back up" and getting active. Enjoying life and back to enjoying the outdoors.

Here is to many more adventures and to enjoying the simple act of walking.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your story Virginia. Congratulations on completing your first 5K and good luck the rest of this year!

    Allard USA

    1. Thank you Jennifer. Will keep you posted as they come.


  2. You are an amazing example of why I go to work every DAY!
    Here's to many more wonderful life experiences and congratulations Virginia!

    Brittany Stryker
    Orthotist, Doctor of Occupational Therapy
    Orthopedic Motion INC

    1. Thank you Brittany

      Hopefully I get to finally met you and have you come to our support group soon. Again thank you for the support.


  3. I'm doing the Chicago Color Run in June, but because of my CMT I use a wheelchair. I also have leg braces, but a different kind. I'm still excited to be part of the Color Run despite CMT!

    1. Hi Pearl,

      Good luck on your 5k. I loved the color run and plan on doing it every year. Keep me posted and don't forget to share your pictures with me.


  4. You have given me a spark of an idea that I may be able to return to a more active lifestyle is only I can find the right braces. I'm a 64 year old former runner who because of a fall at work was diagnosed with CMT just ten months ago. I've been afraid to do much walking, let alone running. Thank you so much for sharing! (yes, my younger brother has CMT and at least one nephew) Nina

  5. Congratulations Virginia that is a fantastic achievement, for anybody! And even more considering our medical problem. I read that you used a Allard brace... which one exactly? Is it the "Toe-Off"? I live in Hong Kong and have not been able to find something comfortable. Really excited to hear about the brace. Thanks!

  6. CMT athetes that would like to run for a team to raise awareness check out

    1. Thanks Chris,

      I'm not sure I'm ready to run.. But I'll walk for CMT

  7. Hi Virginia. I saw your blog today and it inspired me to commit to doing a 5K walk by summer. I have CMT and wear braces much like yours. Bicycling has always been easier, but since working with a Personal Trainer 2x a week for a few months, walking distances is easier. SO, now I need to find a 5K and ask a friend to walk with me. Will let you know how it goes! :)

  8. I WAS BORN WITH CNT 1A I AM DOING GOOD AT THE AGE VOF &# I AM IN WHEEL CHAIRI WEAR AFO BRACES IALSO HAVE DROP FOOT .I have never been able to run gogoVirginia I am so glad for you my neice son has it he sais he could never run he is about to turn 16 I think our have never past a geration my grand father O'Dellmy mother father had t all is his kim had it they say it a royal disorder started in Englini wish any one with it much happiness

  9. Hi Virginia,
    My name is Kathy Poncy and I live in Bend, OR. Last April, at the age of 66 I was diagnosed with CMT when my left foot suffered mid-foot collapse - then there was 6 months of being in a cast and Crow boot. Two hours after my left foot came out of the boot, my right foot fractured so now I am doing 6 months of the same. I take care of my 95 year old mother who has severe dementia, and my 4 cats, and I live alone (well, me and the kitties). I am a retired RN. I was always active - a runner, a walker, a cyclist, and I love geocaching so I hike some. Your Post on your recent 5K is so inspiring to me as I don't have a clue as to what I can do when I come out of my boot. Looks like, from your experience, maybe I can walk some races and get back into life. I have a blog at so drop by sometime. Keep on walking girl. You look great in those AFO's. So glad they help.
